
Data analysis


The field of data analytics is relatively new, and the tools used for data analytics are targeted more towards larger data sets. With the growth of small businesses, the need for data analytics tools for small data sets increases. We offer those tools to the new and upcoming companies in Austin.

Infographic Design


Informing people about your company through plain text lacks the effectiveness of an infographic that combines appealing visuals with important information. Infographics are a powerful way to present information and are successful in holding an audience’s attention as high-quality infographics are 30 times more likely to be read than simple text blocks and three times more likely to be promoted on social media. We design powerful infographics to help streamline the process of informing customers about the big things.



Advertisements are a major part of any successful business. They allow a business to reach a broader audience while promoting their brand. In addition, advertisements help a company gain more customers and therefore more profit. For small businesses, advertisements are especially useful in the data analysis process as data can be collected from the way people interact with advertisements. We create effective ads for any occasion to help expand small businesses.